
Painting: "Self Portrait 2011"

"Self Portrait 2011", Acrylic 16x20 © JMJ
I don't, in general, do self-portraits (especially not in paint) and I started out with this one as fairly true-to-life... although with non-traditional colors. My face was originally blueish. I didn't like it until I painted over it in white, so I decided to keep it that way. The rune means "light and prosperity".


Painting, "Only Human"

"Only Human", 2011. Acrylic, 18"x36" © JMJ


Character Portrait: Nyx

Character portrait for RPG character, "Nyx". Pen and marker, 8x10.



Painting, "Porter"... first in a possible series about beer.

"Porter", first in a series I'm doing about pints of beer. 2011, Acrylic, 10"x10".

Sometimes I make jewelry, too!

Long dangle-y earrings with a Lock & Key theme. Findings & glass beads.

Painting, "The Two"

"The Two" 2010. Acrylic, 48"x24".

Painting, "Counting Time"

"Counting Time" circa 2006. Acrylic and collage, 12"x12".

Painting, "Icon"

"Icon", 2011. Acrylic, 16"x20"


Painting: "The Gift"

"The Gift", acrylic, 12"x24"


Character Portrait: Orrick

Character portrait for RPG Character "Orrick", pen & water-soluble markers, 9x12. The armor and grand daiklave are from White Wolf's Exalted.


Character Portrait: Raine II

Character portrait for RPG character, "Raine". Watercolor, pen, and marker, 12x9.

Character Portrait: Raine the Healer

Character portrait for RPG character, "Raine". Watercolor and pen, 9x12.